Friday, May 16, 2014

Blissfully Embellished - A Client Testimonial

"We started our business in March of this year.  My partner and I were so excited to get our products out to the marketplace, but we knew the financial component was also a crucial part of the business.  Unfortunately, neither I nor my partner had any experience in accounting.  We turned to urBook$ because the concept of completely outsourcing the function to an expert team of bookkeepers and accountants appealed to us.  After all, we rely on party planners to outsource their material and decorative needs to us! 
Our experience started with an on-boarding specialist who guided us step-by-step through the process.  Before we knew it, our accounting function was up and running.  Best of all – it was completely behind the scenes!

Recently, we heard about the Heartbleed bug.  Concerned that much of our sensitive information was stored in the urBook$ Vault, we checked to see if our documents could be compromised. Thankfully, we learned the urBook$ Vault used the most up-to-date security measures and was not vulnerable to that bug.  It was so satisfying that the urBook$ promise to use the best-in-class technology was actually true when it really mattered most!" 
                                                                                 - Owner, Blissfully Emberllished