In today’s world everything is literally at our fingertips. Many people are use to getting their news, recommendations for things such as restaurants, shops and services all come in the form of 5 second snips. Gone are the days where people spend time researching in depth to find that perfect fit for whatever they are looking for.
So - how can you position your business to the the “5 second snip” which people are raving about online and to their circle of influence? Below are 3 simple tips to enhance this:
1. Never stop networking. While networking can seem to be most crucial in the infancy stages of a business, the long-term effects will provide profitable results the more the owner or manager is networking. Some examples of ways to network are:
- Local Com,unity Organizations i.e. Chamber of Commerce
- Philanthropy opportunities for the business
- Local School Booster Clubs
- Like-minded business development groups
2. Use social media to your benefit. Never underestimate the power of social media. You have the opportunity to reach a large number of people with free advertising. Yes it takes someone taking time and staying on top of all your outlets; however, the benefits are limitless. You can offer special promotions for your social media followers, announce new products, and reward loyal customers. These are just a few ways to keep your business relevant to people through their social media platforms.
3. Never underestimate the power of hand-written notes. Receiving a hand-written note from a business you frequent will most likely be the icing on the cake for you to become a walking billboard for that business and to return to that business more frequently. You can challenge your team to pick one customer per week or per month and write a note to them of how they are special to you and your business.
urBook$ strives to provide it’s clients with content that will improve your business. Experience the urBook$ Difference today and begin your way to a hassle free life of bookkeeping, payroll and bill paying so you can focus on taking care of your clientele!